Zero Pauvre Afrique (ZPA)

Location: Conakry, Guinea

Type of event: Community education

Description: Zero Poor Africa (ZPA) will carry out two major activities to celebrate World NTD Day in Guinea and around the world. The first activity is to lead an online campaign and the second to pilot field actions of advocacy and lobbying with national stakeholders for more concrete actions against NTDs. Also, ZPA will collect and disseminate information on the situation of NTDs in Guinea and attract the attention of stakeholders (State, Technical and Financial Partners, Civil Society, young people and women, communities, private sector, …).

The celebration is important for Guinea, because it will highlight the actions carried out and the gaps in terms of intervention to fight against NTDs, but above all contribute to strengthening partnership actions and synergies. ZPA intends to mobilize stakeholders around the national NTD control program in Guinea to create synergy and pilot effective and efficient actions againts NTDs.

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