Instituto Universitario de Enfermedades Tropicales y Salud Pública de Canarias de la Universidad de La Laguna (IUETSPC-ULL)

Location: La Laguna, Tenerife, Spain

Type of activity: Community education

Description: To celebrate World NTD day, IUETSPC-ULL is hosting a “NTD Education and Awareness Day”.
First, a radio interview of Dr. Emma Carmelo, director of the Master’s Degree in Research and Diagnostics of Tropical Diseases at the University of La Laguna will be aired on Jan 29th on the regional radio station, highlighting what are NTD and why a World Day. This radio station is aired in Canary Islands, Spain, reaching 2 million potential radio listeners. It also goes online.
On Jan 30th, the Research institute will host an Open-day in which middle-school students have been invited to learn about NTD and the different research projects that are developed in this institute to combat them. In this activity, all IUETSPC researchers will engage with the visitors. Around 50 students are expected in this visit.

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