Bihar Gram Vikas Parishad (BGVP)
Community Awareness meeting for World NTD Day
Community Awareness meeting for World NTD Day
30 /01/20: déclaration du Ministre de la santé, diffusion de SMS
We have a special seminar on NTDs (Schistosomiasis) for the medical school community co-sponsored by the Program in Molecular Medicine and The Li Weibo Institute for Rare Diseases Research.
We are planning the following activities to impact the further spread of NTDs : 1. Community training programme focusing on the eve of world NTD day for prevention of NTD. The intended participants will be community leaders from different slums of Patna. The objective is to sensitize the community influencer and creation of pressure group on concerned government department.
On World NTD Day, we will invite multiple actors from different sectors such as: health professionals who manage the program of vector-borne diseases (Dengue, Chikungunya, Malaria and leishmaniasis) in the municipality, community leaders who work tirelessly for the well-being of their communities, professionals in the education sector, among others.
Knowledge generation & transfer in Argentina: Challenges for public health policy. A Dengue application as a example. By Darío Codner-Universidad Nacional Quilmes
We would like to highlight on an interactive map where all the Vector borne Diseases such as Dengue and Chikungunya are prevalent. Highlighting where an alert has been set due to the higher than normal cases. It’s a simple visual with potential links to current published articles.
The Research Center of the Autonomous University of Yucatán, Mexico has been a pioneer in the study of NTDs in the southeast of Mexico and it is an an entity with the capacity and experience which recognizes the relevance and importance of the control of neglected diseases We are very excited to participate the next January 30th and the next 2 weeks in the promotion of this date. Our activities will include: radio programs, TV presentations, cultural activities and conferences organization with the participation of the experts in the field from at least 4 different formal groups from our research center.
The Institute of Tropical Medicine in Antwerp will publish a web article (based in a publication in which we advocate for NTDs) and will post on social media.
The Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine (LSTM) is holding an NTD seminar which will be live streamed on the LSTM website launching the restructure of the Centre for Neglected Tropical Diseases (CNTD) with a focus on a number of our activities demonstrating research and impact. Internally, LSTM is holding an NTD Day with posters and demonstrations focused on our activities with a sideline of NTD themed cakes and sweets.