
Dengue and Chikungunya, Guinea worm disease, Human African trypanosomiasis, Leishmaniasis, Lymphatic filariasis, Onchocerciasis, Schistosomiasis, Snakebite envenoming, Soil-transmitted helminthiases

Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine

The Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine (LSTM) is holding an NTD seminar which will be live streamed on the LSTM website launching the restructure of the Centre for Neglected Tropical Diseases (CNTD) with a focus on a number of our activities demonstrating research and impact. Internally, LSTM is holding an NTD Day with posters and demonstrations focused on our activities with a sideline of NTD themed cakes and sweets.

Dengue and Chikungunya, Leishmaniasis, Leprosy, Lymphatic filariasis, Mycetoma, chromoblastomycosis and other deep mycoses, Rabies, Uncategorized

King George Medical University

King George Medical University will be hosting a state-level symposium on NTDs in Lucknow, which is the largest state in India and has the highest burden of NTDs in India. Two major centers of the state along with the NTD division of the World Health Organisation are major partners of our symposium. There will be extensive discussion regarding different NTDs and extending support for training and research. We are proposing that scrub typhus and related rickettsial diseases be declared as NTDs for the SEARO region by scientific documentation support.